Age Calculator: As we all know, Age is an essential factor in a person's life. We all have to share our Age when filling out forms like government exam forms, entrance exam forms, legal documents, hospital prescription forms, etc. For this, you have to calculate Age from Date of birth, which can sometimes be a difficult task. In this situation, Age Calculator Online plays an important role.
An age calculator is an online tool for determining a person's age on a given date. It displays Calculated results in years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes, and even seconds. To calculate your Age with the Age Calculator online, you have to select your Date of birth and a specific date to provide the desired result.
Age in Days Calculator: This tool is a present age calculator that helps you calculate your Age in days.
Age in Months Calculator: This calculator calculates your Age in months. Just enter your DOB, and it will show you your Age in months.
Calculate age in Seconds: You can also calculate your age in seconds using this
Age Calculator in Years: This age calculator can calculate your age in Years using your DOB.
Age calculator can be helpful in various cases, such as:
Age Calculator By Year: Enter your birth year to find out your Age. It's quick and easy to use!
Age Calculator From DOB/Age Calculator Online By Date of Birth: Enter your Date of birth to calculate your exact Age. The calculator shows your Age in years, months, and days.
UPSC Age Calculator/Age Calculator for UPSC: This helps you check if you meet the age criteria for UPSC exams. Perfect for exam preparation!
Age Calculator for NDA: This tool accurately and simply checks your Age to determine whether you are eligible for NDA exams.
Age Calculator for SSC: Easily calculate your Age to confirm your eligibility for SSC exams. It's made just for job seekers!
Age Calculator App: The Age Calculator App is a very easy tool to use. You can install it on your smartphone, and it lets you calculate your Age anytime, anywhere. It's convenient and fun to use!
Month | Days |
January | 31days |
February | 28 days (29 Days in Leap Year) |
March | 31 days |
April | 30 days |
May | 31 days |
June | 30 days |
July | 31 days |
Augus | 31 days |
September | 30 days |
October | 31 days |
November | 30 days |
December | 31 days |
If you have a question in your mind, how can I calculate my Age? Then this process will help you to calculate your Age with My Age Calculator Net Online:
Step 1: Click on the drop-down of the "Enter your Date of Birth:" section.
Step 2: First click on the year and choose your birth Year. Then, choose the month and Day of birth.
Step 3: Now, in the second section, "Age at the Date of:" , you can choose the date on which you want to calculate your Age. Or you can leave it to the default date, which is the current Date.
For example Your Date of birth is 02 December 1998 and you want to calculate your Age till 01 January 2020 , in this case you can change the Date in the "Age at the date of:" section.
Q 1. How to calculate Age from Date of birth?
Ans. To calculate Age from Date of birth choose your DOB in MM/DD/YYYY format. And select the current Date in
Q 2. How can I calculate my Age?
Ans. You can calculate your Age by using an online age calculator like
Q 3. How to calculate my Age
Ans. You can visit my to calculate your Age.
Q 4. Is this online age calculator by Date of birth?
Ans. Yes, my is an online Age calculator by Date of birth.